Friday, May 23, 2008

Family Home Evening at our house

We were in charge of Family Home Evening in May. We had planned to go to the park to have a barbecue because the weather this Spring has been so beautiful. Monday the temperature jumped up to 111 degrees. Dave calls me at 5:30 and says, he thinks it is to hot to go to the park. I had been shopping all day and came home, cut up watermelon and made some brownies. Needless to say my kitchen was trashed and everyone was supposed to come at 6:00 o'clock. Dave's family ended up being a little bit late, so it gave me and my kids plenty of time to clean up. We set up the slip and slide and the kids blew up water balloons. The kids and Kevin played water games and had a water fight. When I was taking pictures I found out you never stand in front of a bunch of little kids that have a water blaster full of water. I told them that I was not in the water fight but some how I ended up with a face full of water. We cooked hamburgers and hot dogs. Dave gave the lesson. The kids were all participating so good. It is always so much fun to get together with Dave's family once a month and have family night. The kids love spending time with their cousins.

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