Sunday, June 7, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009

For Memorial Day this year we took the kids to the Westin La Paloma in Tucson with Dave's family. We had a really good time

Kevin loves to get in my pictures. He cracks me up. He is just like a little kid.

Macee's birthday was while we were at the hotel. They had a little birthday party for her out by the pool.

Family chilling out by the pool eating lunch.

We were all thinking... What did Kevin do? Is he in trouble! The cop was looking for a David Tueller. Kevin started asking questions, and found out that the cop was actually looking for him. There was a fire at his hotel room. I guess the people above him had been smoking on their balcony and threw down a cigarette. The fire was on the balcony above his hotel room. They took all their belongings except for what they were wearing. There was no fire damage. I guess everything had smoke damage.
All our rooms were right together. Doug's room smelt a little smokey. Ours was fine, there was a room between ours and Kevin's. They moved Kevin's family to another building. When we were buying food at the pool we realized that they had Dave's and Kevin's names switched. That is why they were looking for us at the pool instead of Kevin. This picture of the balcony is the next day after they had been working on it.


The Cetta Family said...

What a beautiful family you have....we miss you guys!!!

Kristine said...

How fun! I think we stayed there one time for a work thing and it was AWESOME! What a fun time!