Tuesday, August 19, 2008


While we were at my moms house Dave went with my nephew Troy and his friends golfing. I took the girls bowling with my mom and my sister and my nieces. My cute niece Paige came to, with her two little kids. We couldn't decide if we wanted to do 1 or 3 games. They had a discount if you played 3 games. We chose to only play one. We were gald we did, because it took us forever just playing that one game.


Paige said...

We loved having you and your girls hang out! If you ever want to move we will help!

Tiffany said...

Oh how fun!! What a cool idea about all "places" you guys went! That is a really good idea! It seems like our family sadly won't make the effort to have big family reunions any more! Everyone goes there own way and it makes me a sad! Thanks for the great ideas and the encouragement that we need to spend more time with our extended family!!